segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014
quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014
Why Nutrition Is So Confusing
NEARLY six weeks into the 2014 diet season, it’s a good bet that many of us who made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight have already peaked. If clinical trials are any indication, we’ve lost much of the weight we can expect to lose. In a year or two we’ll be back within half a dozen pounds of where we are today.The question is why. Is this a failure of willpower or of technique? Was our chosen dietary intervention — whether from the latest best-selling diet book or merely a concerted attempt to eat less and exercise more — doomed to failure? Considering that obesity and its related diseases — most notably, Type 2 diabetes — now cost the health care system more than $1 billion per day, it’s not hyperbolic to suggest that the health of the nation may depend on which is the correct answer.10 Best Practices for Being Present
By now, most of us know that now -- here -- is where we're supposed to be. We get it that we are not living our life fully if we are always lost in thought, tumbling through a story about the past or future. But how do we do this thing called being present? How do we actually bring ourselves into a state of here-ness, deposit ourselves into this moment, so that we can truly be in our own life?
What follows is a list of practices, tools, for being here. The fact is, we can't really ever be anywhere but where we are, but our attention, our mind, can indeed travel elsewhere. The tools that follow are designed to sync up your attention with your body, so that the two are in the same place, like a floating photograph that moves into its frame. The practices I offer can be used for as little or as long as you like at a stretch, and are meant to be practiced several or more times throughout the day. The practices are like gravity boots that pull you into now, and plant you in the place where you actually are.
Fukushima: la radioactividad del agua llegó a niveles récord
Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) explicó que una nueva medición ha mostrado que el líquido, tomado de un pozo de observación entre los reactores 1 y 2 de la planta el pasado 5 de julio,contenía el nivel récord de 5 millones de becquereles por litro de estroncio-90.TEPCO originalmente detectó 900.000 becquereles por litro de estroncio y otras sustancias emisoras de radiación beta, antes de comprobar en octubre que los equipos de medición sufrían problemas técnicos que impedían un cálculo preciso.Ese pozo de observación está a unos 25 metros del muelle de la planta y a unos 6 de un túnel a través del cual circuló agua muy radiactiva tras el estallido de la crisis en marzo de 2011.El estroncio-90 es un isótopo radiactivo con una vida media de unos 30 años que tiende a acumularse en los huesos y se cree que puede provocar cáncer óseo y leucemia.La eléctrica ha explicado que volverá a analizar muestras pasadas, ya que muchos de los datos no resultan fiables tras el problema detectado en los aparatos de medición.
Excess weight linked to brain changes that may relate to memory, emotions, and appetite
Being overweight appears related to reduced levels of a molecule that reflects brain cell health in the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in memory, learning, and emotions, and likely also involved in appetite control, according to a study performed by researchers at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and other institutions. The results of the study were published in Neuroimage: Clinical.Jeremy D. Coplan, MD, professor of psychiatry at SUNY Downstate, led a multicenter team that visualized the molecule, N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) application. NAA is associated with brain cell health. Overweight study participants exhibited lower levels of NAA in the hippocampus than normal weight subjects. The effect was independent of age, sex, and psychiatric diagnoses.The importance of the hippocampus -- a seahorse-shaped organ deep within the brain -- to the formation and preservation of memory and to emotional control is well known, Dr. Coplan notes, but its role in appetite control is less established.
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