segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Página da NASA com vários vídeos interessantes.

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Breaking The Thermometer - Gas Reaches Temperature Below Zero Kelvin

Cérebro de idosos bilíngues tem melhor desempenho

Domínio de outro idioma acelera processamento de informações

Possibilidades de teletransporte quântico

Satélites poderiam enviar dados com fótons emaranhados

Feira na Poli mostra criatividade da nova 

geração em busca de soluções

domingo, 24 de março de 2013

Men and Women Get Sick in Different Ways: Developing Gender-Specific Medicine Is a Major Challenge of the Future

Explaining How Extra Virgin Olive Oil Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease

Processadores 3D poderão ter conexões biológicas

Processadores 3D poderão ter conexões biológicas

Fotodetector de nanotubos captura luz de forma contínua

Fotodetector de nanotubos captura luz de forma contínua

Material do futuro é encontrado em mina de ouro desativada

Material do futuro é encontrado em mina de ouro desativada

sábado, 23 de março de 2013

DNA, 60, com roupa nova

DNA, 60, com roupa nova

Pesticidas, comida-lixo, diabetes e Alzheimer

Pesticidas, comida-lixo, diabetes e Alzheimer

Acelerador de partículas recria o Big Bang; entenda

Adicionar legenda
Entenda como funciona o Grande Colisor de Hadrons

Parent Induces Guilt, Child Shows Distress


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Access high quality clinical content written by international experts

LHC detecta partícula alternando entre matéria e antimatéria

LHC detecta partícula mudando de matéria para antimatéria

Moderador virtual ajuda negociadores chegarem ao consenso

Moderador virtual ajuda negociadores a chegar ao consenso

Qubit positivo é 10 vezes melhor para computador quântico

Qubit positivo é 10 vezes melhor para computador quântico

sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013


The axon membrane can be modeled as a ribbon cable

Se você quer aprender um pouco sobre o cérebro, aqui está uma excelente oportunidade. O livro está disponível no link. É só clicar acima.

Improve your brain health and performance


Build your Personalized Training Program

Anxiety Linked to Shortened Telomeres, Accelerated Aging

Why Nicotine in Cigarettes Can Relieve Anxiety in Smokers

Research Explores Links Between Physical and Emotional Pain Relief

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013

Suppressing Brain's 'Filter' Can Improve Performance in Creative Tasks

Uplifting Music Can Boost Mental Capacity

Brain-Mapping Increases Understanding of Alcohol's Effects On First-Year College Students

Does Greek Coffee Hold the Key to a Longer Life?

segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Know Thyself: How Mindfulness Can Improve Self-Knowledge

Mar. 14, 2013 — Mindfulness -- paying attention to one's current experience in a non-judgmental way -- might help us to learn more about our own personalities, according to a new article published in the March 2013 issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for 
Recent research has highlighted the fact that we have many blind spots when it comes to understanding our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Despite our intuition that we know ourselves the best, other people have a more accurate view of some traits (e.g., intellect) than we do. In some cases, blind spots in self-knowledge can have negative consequences, such as poor decision-making, poor academic achievement, emotional and interpersonal problems, and lower life satisfaction.
In this new article, psychological scientist Erika Carlson of Washington University in St. Louis explores one potential strategy for improving self-knowledge: mindfulness.
Mindfulness -- a technique often recognized for its positive effects on mental health -- involves paying attention to your current experience (e.g., thoughts, feelings) and observing it in a non-judgmental manner.
According to Carlson, these two components of mindfulness, attention and nonjudgmental observation, can overcome the major barriers to knowing ourselves. She argues that the motivation to see ourselves in a desirable way is one of the main obstacles to self-knowledge. For instance, people may overestimate their virtuous qualities to ward off negative feelings or boost self-esteem. However, non-judgmental observation of one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, might reduce emotional reactivity -- such as feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem -- that typically interferes with people seeing the truth about themselves.
Lack of information is another barrier to self-knowledge -- in some situations, people might not have the information they would need to accurately assess themselves. For instance, we have a hard time observing much of our nonverbal behavior, so we may not know that we're grimacing or fidgeting during a serious conversation. Mindfulness could also help in this domain, as research has shown that mindfulness training is associated with greater bodily awareness.
Drawing from cognitive, clinical, and social psychology, Carlson outlines a theoretical link between mindfulness and self-knowledge that suggests focusing our attention on our current experiences in a nonjudgmental way could be an effective tool for getting to know ourselves better.
This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BCS-1025330 awarded to Simine Vazire.
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Molécula de DNA é fotografada diretamente pela primeira vez

Molécula de DNA é fotografada diretamente pela primeira vez

Software revela padrão secreto no livro do Gênesis

Padrão secreto no livro do Gênesis é descoberto por software

Computadores quânticos já conseguem fazer sua lição de matemática

Computadores quânticos já conseguem fazer sua lição de matemática

domingo, 17 de março de 2013

A neurociência da dança

Estudos recentes com imageamento do cérebro revelam algumas coreografias neurais complexas por trás da habilidade de dançar

Iluminando os meandros do cérebro

Uma promissora combinação entre óptica e genética vem permitindo aos neurocientistas mapear e até controlar os circuitos cerebrais com precisão inédita

100 Trilhões de Conexões

Ruído produzido por bilhões de células cerebrais comunicando-se umas com as outras pode conter uma pista fundamental para a compreensão da consciência

Como a Linguagem Modela o Pensamento

Diferentes idiomas afetam de maneiras distintas a percepção do mundo

A Fascinante evolução do olho

Cientistas já têm uma visão clara de como surgiram nossos olhos tão complexos

Nasa abre concurso para mandar desenho de estudante para Marte


sábado, 16 de março de 2013

sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013

Refrigeração óptica promete geladeiras a laser

Resfriamento a laser pode revolucionar refrigeração

Descoberta nova forma de capturar energia do Sol

Nova forma de capturar energia do Sol gera hidrogênio

10 tecnologias que podem salvar a economia mundial

10 tecnologias emergentes que podem salvar a economia mundial

Partícula descoberta no LHC é "um" bóson de Higgs

Partícula descoberta no LHC é

Fim da causalidade: eventos quânticos independem do espaço e do tempo

Redação do Site Inovação Tecnológica - 01/02/2013
Fim da causalidade: eventos quânticos independem do espaço e do tempo

Li-Fi promete substituir Wi-Fi

Redes de luz: Li-Fi promete substituir Wi-Fi

Gerador triboelétrico captura eletricidade estática

Físicos mais próximos da Quinta Força Fundamental da natureza

Quinta Força Fundamental da natureza

Cannabis-Related Schizophrenia Set To Rise, Say Researchers

Ecstasy Drug Produces Lasting Toxicity in the Brain

Ecstasy Associated With Chronic Change in Brain Function

How Marijuana Causes Memory Deficits

Long-Term Users of Ecstasy Risk Structural Brain Damage, Study Suggests

Chronic Marijuana Smoking Affects Brain Chemistry, Molecular Imaging Shows

Separating The Therapeutic Benefits Of Cannabis From Its Mood-Altering Side-Effects

Risk of Marijuana's 'Gateway Effect' Overblown, New Research Shows

Emotional Intelligence And The Use Of Tobacco And Cannabis

Daily Pot Smoking May Hasten Onset of Psychosis

Dec. 21, 2009 — Progression to daily marijuana use in adolescence may hasten the onset of symptoms leading up to psychosis, an Emory University study finds. The study was published in the November issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Long-Time Cannabis Use Associated With Psychosis

Mar. 2, 2010 — Young adults who have used cannabis or marijuana for a longer period of time appear more likely to have hallucinations or delusions or to meet criteria for psychosis, according to a report posted online that will appear in the May print issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Psychotic Illness Appears to Begin at Younger Age Among Those Who Use Cannabis

Feb. 8, 2011 — Cannabis use appears to be associated with an earlier onset of psychotic illness, according to a meta-analysis of previously published studies posted online that will appear in the June print issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Cannabis Could Increase Risks Of Psychotic Illness By 40 Percent

Aug. 1, 2007 — Cannabis could increase risk of psychotic illness later in life by 40 per cent.

Cannabis Use Precedes the Onset of Psychotic Symptoms in Young People, Study Finds

Mar. 3, 2011 — Cannabis use during adolescence and young adulthood increases the risk of psychotic symptoms, while continued cannabis use may increase the risk for psychotic disorder in later life, concludes a new study published online in the British Medical Journal.

Cannabis Damages Young Brains More Than Originally Thought, Study Finds

Dec. 20, 2009 — Canadian teenagers are among the largest consumers of cannabis worldwide. The damaging effects of this illicit drug on young brains are worse than originally thought, according to new research by Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, a psychiatric researcher from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre. The new study, published inNeurobiology of Disease, suggests that daily consumption of cannabis in teens can cause depression and anxiety, and have an irreversible long-term effect on the brain.

Smoking Cannabis Increases Risk of Depression in the Case of Genetic Vulnerability, Study Finds

Oct. 13, 2011 — Young people who are genetically vulnerable to depression should be extra careful about using cannabis: smoking cannabis leads to an increased risk of developing depressive symptoms. This has emerged from research carried out by Roy Otten at the Behavioural Science Institute of Radboud University Nijmegen that is published in the online version of the scientific journal Addiction Biology. Two-thirds of the population have the gene variant that makes one sensitive to depression.

Cannabis Use May Worsen Sexual Dysfunction, Rat Study Suggests

Feb. 23, 2011 — Rany Shamloul's recent review of the medical literature on cannabis use and sexual health has revealed that cannabis use may negatively impact male sexual performance.